Saturday, August 1, 2009

Waist length hair; hot or not?

What do you guys think of waist long hair?

should i cut it or what?

Waist length hair; hot or not?

I have had waist length hair many times and really like how it looks. But after awhile, you just have to cut it all off and try something different, right? If you can wear it in a way that flatters your face though, keep it! Finding the right way of styling long hair is a challenge. Whatever you decide, always remember that it's YOUR hair and how you love it is how it should be. (Note: if you do cut it, you might want to donate your tresses to Locks of Love. It's a great charity and it feels good to know you've helped a kid.)

Waist length hair; hot or not?

Hot- don't let anybody tell you different.

Waist length hair; hot or not?

i had waist long hair for the longest time,

but it just got annoying, ALWAYS in my face.

i had to cut it.

if you do, donate to locks of love.

then it's going to a good place.

Waist length hair; hot or not?

NOT....cut it!

Waist length hair; hot or not?

if you like it, keep it, if you don't cut it.

2nd tht on the locks of love :)

Waist length hair; hot or not?

no, specailly if its breaking and splitting

Waist length hair; hot or not?

if it's healthy, you should keep it, only if you like it though, if you don't then cut it to about mid back , but i think long hair is pretty

Waist length hair; hot or not?

I think that if you have the right hair for it, it can still be hot and unique since not many girls have hair that long anymore. but i still think it would be a challenge to make it look good. if you like it, definitely don't cut it because someone else thinks you should. however, i would hope that you maintain your hair very well and it probably has to be a pretty good texture and thickness in order to not look scraggly at that length. hair that long is a lot of work, but i think to make it look it's best get it trimmed and deep-conditioned frequently. also adding lots of shorter layers would be ideal so you can keep the overall length at the bottom but it doesn't detract and bring down your face as much. keep your hair long if you really like it...or maybe take a few inches off if you're willing to compromise or if you're really looking for a change, cut it all off-- it'll always grow back. :)

Waist length hair; hot or not?

I asked my 20 year old son this question and this was his answer,"It's not the hair it's the girl". He said he personally likes short hair.

I think all women feel sexier with long hair, I know I do. When it get past the shoulders you just fell like you look better.

But hair all the way to the waist may be too long. Maybe you could donate part of it to Lock of Love.

Good luck with your decision.

Waist length hair; hot or not?

I can remember the days of being young, and I had really long hair. I would always get so many compliments because so many people wish they had long beautiful hair. But it's hard to maintain unless you can the ability (and if you do, I hate you) to wash your hair and go and have it look beautiful. I have a little big longer than shoulder length hair now, but sometimes I miss those days of long hair. My fiance loves long hair too because he can run his hands through it and play with it. I'd say it's pretty as long as you take care of it and it's straight or even just a little curly.

If you just wear it in a bun every day or a ponytail, then cut it.

Waist length hair; hot or not?

I had my hair to my waist last summer, and as pretty as it looked, it got scraggly and greasy easily. I'm trying to grow it down to mid back again though and trying to condition more and get more trims. I say do whatever makes you happy.

Waist length hair; hot or not?

Most guys like long hair.

Waist length hair demands a certain kind of care. I think it looks great when a woman is young, but it's not so hot after a certain point. Emmy Lou Harris is a perfect example of someone who "cut" loose at the right moment. Crystal Gayle is a good example of someone who just because she can grow her hair to the floor, maybe shouldn't.

I had my hair to my waist or below for years. It was fun. I did though cut when I was 32. It seemed right for me. I don't regret it keeping my hair long as long as I did nor do I regret cutting it when I did. I now keep my hair just below my shoulders and it's styled.

Long hair looks good if it is kept under control. Basically, keep it nicely trimmed at the ends, use a nice conditioner and brush your hair thorough before you wash. You probably already know the tip on how to wash your hair, but I'll repeat it anyhow. Don't put your hair in a big mash on your head. Wash it as if you are wearing a pretend pony tail. Generously condition the ponytail part. It tangles less, and therefore you have an easier time.

My boyfriends loved my hair.

Waist length hair; hot or not?

My friend has waist long hair and it looks fantastic on her! I don't know how it looks on you but if you don't like it, cut it and donate it, if you do like it, then keep it. It's your hair, you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks, especially if it is as healthy and beautiful as you say it is. : )

Waist length hair; hot or not?

It's pretty only if you don't have it in a ponytail.

Waist length hair; hot or not?

I absolutely ADORE waist-length hair !

It is beautiful !

Keep it !

Waist length hair; hot or not?

I think it looks like disgusting dead hair. A little higher then mid back is when it starts getting cute and sexy. Also there are kids waiting for that hair to make there wigs. ie. donate to locks of love. Hope I helped. Please add me to your contacts and email me w/ any hair questions you have via yahoo answers.

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