Saturday, August 1, 2009

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

The groomer where I work recommends daily brushing, to keep them accustomed to it and to keep knots out of the ears and feathers.

They will need to be brushed even more often in the spring (with an undercoat rake or similar type brush) when they are blowing their coats.

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

Once a day seems about right to me!

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

I brush my dogs' hair twice a day. And I still have to sweep the house daily, although that is more from all the dirt that they track in.

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

at least 3x a week

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

i would say once a week or every couple of weeks. my dog is an english springer spaniel, she's supposed to have long hair but we always cut it short to eliminate lots of shedding.

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

How much time do you have? I don't think there is a maximum number of times to groom a dog. I used to really brush my samoid mixes as often as I had time when the weather started to get warm. My dogs would let you know when they had enough.

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

Every single day!

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

Daily. and more if needed. Also check diet. Some diets are too low in fat content and the dog will shed more and have dry skin. If the food seems good, you can also try a coat supplement to cut down on shedding.

I use a rubber curry brush as well as a wire Universal slicker brush.

I raised a Sheltie and a Borzoi in my house. I brushed them when we went for a walk and when we came home (to check for stickers). I would brush my hair and then run a brush through them :)

Anytime I had my dogs off the property I'd put them up on my tailgate and check for ticks and stickers and run a brush through them.

Because my dogs were brushed so often, they never had matts and my house did have hair, but not too bad. They loved to be brushed. And I got compliments anytime someone petted them.

I also bathed my dogs once a month usually. More often when I was showing the Borzoi...then once a week. A high volume blow dryer can make a huge difference in the loose hair. Check with a local groomer.

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?



How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

Well, i have 5 dogs, 1 long haired, 2 short haired heavy shedders and 1 whos fur is falling out due to a medical condition, so i brush my dogs once a day. I also bath them once a week.

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

Every day......................

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

At least every day.

How often should a long haired dog's hair be brushed to cut down on shedding in the house?

As much as possible. Once a day should work.

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