my hair about 3 inch's long all over and i think i should get it cut or something. i quite like how ryan sheckler had his hair before he chopped it off. but my hair grows dead straight so what hair cut could i go for witch would still be skater hair and long.
Any ideas for a hair cut?
grow it out a bit bro and just let it shag. keep it clean and the ladies will be jumpin. shecklers hair was good so just cut it like that i guess. dont pay too much attention to your hair though thats just weird man.
Any ideas for a hair cut?
Um well look through magazines and the internet. Theres tons of styles out there. There has to be a few that you really enjoy. Talk to your stylist about it. He/she will know what's best for you. It kind of also had to do with your face shape and what not. But i would get an inch and a half off. I don't know. Thats just me.
Happy Hair do'
Any ideas for a hair cut?
Hey! Well, if your hair is dead straight,it will be easier for your air to stay in a hairdo and you will have to help yourself with gel or spray all the time.(way better than damaging your hair by straightening all the time)
If you want it like Ryan, then i can picture you with and emoish hairdo, but in your style. Guy side bangs are quite popular now days and with 3 inches long, all you would have to do is give it shape and shrim it a little.
Hope I helped =]
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