my bangs were cut way too short and its just abit above my brows. how long do i have to wait till it reaches my nose? also, i have picture day next week and i was wondering how to give an illusion of long side bangs? (i use to have them before it all got chopped off) Do hair extensions work with bangs? how much are they?
How long will my hair be in 3 weeks? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
get a wig, or deal with the bangs. they won't look any longer than they do right now. and I've never seen "bang extensions" before.
How long will my hair be in 3 weeks? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
If hair is not damaged, it will grow at the rate of 1 inch per month. And no, extensions will probably not work with banks unless they are ear-length or longer. Hair extensions can run anywhere from 50.00 to 5,000 bucks depending on the number, type of hair, glue, etc. Maybe try brushing your hair to the side or straight back. Good luck
How long will my hair be in 3 weeks? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
on average, hair grows 1/2 an inch every month. but if let it grow and then trim and let it grow and trim, it should grow much faster. i cut my own bangs. if you dont like your bangs, part it to the side and bobby pin it. youll look young/younger but its cute.
How long will my hair be in 3 weeks? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
The average rate of growth for hair is 1/4-1/2 inch a month. Your bangs will be a tiny bit longer in 3 weeks but not much.
I wouldn't bother with a wig and extensions will not look natural in the bang area.
The best advice I can give you is to just try to learn to work with them so they look ok til they grow out. As for pictures, maybe you can skip it this time and take a makeup picture when they do them?
How long will my hair be in 3 weeks? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Hahah the EXACT thing happened to me before summer. My bangs were in the MIDDLE of my forehead, ahhhh. In a month they were at my eyebrows and i just gave up and decided they looked cute. Now they are long side bangs. In a bout a month your bangs will be below your brows so you can wear them down if you want. It could take about 3 months for your bangs to reach your nose.
I suggest you pull out the headbands and clips for now... a cute thing to do is pull back your bangs with 2 bobby pins.
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