I am 5 months pregnant and I heard from numerous women that you shouldn't cut your hair when you are pregnant because you will regret it. I have really long hair and I am getting really tired of it. It is really hot where I live and I just want something that doesn't take so much time in the morning to do. I am not wanting to go butch short but maybe 3 or 4 inches. It has taken so long to get my hair to this point and I am always complimented on how pretty it is...I am scared that I will not like it after the damage is done...so I guess my question would be...have you cut your hair while pregnant and did you regret it or were you pleased with your decision??
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I have to answer this one!!
I am currently pregnant w/ #2 and debating the same question.
I have always had long hair but chopped it off (just above my chin) during my last pregnancy. Honestly, I loved the fact that it was easy to manage but I HATED how it looked (at the time). BUT... it HAD to be those hormones (I was unhappy a lot during my last pregnancy) b/c when I look back at pictures, it was SOOOO adorable. It really makes me want to do it again!!!
It's just hair... it will grow back : )
Cut my hair while pregnant?
If you feel like you will regret cutting it, then tie it back.
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I cut my hair during pregnancy and loved it. I believe it all depends on how you want your hair and who cuts your hair. I always go to the same salon so I know what they are capable of. Good luck with your decision!!
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I just got bangs, because I decided I really wanted them, and I needed a change...... I absolutely hate them and it has only been a week- I should have left my hair alone. Get a trim, but don't do anything drastic....
Cut my hair while pregnant?
Lol i dont think pregnancy has anything to do with it apart from if you dont like it being pregnant will make it seem onehundred times worse because of our over active hormones lol. Its a big decision if you really take pride in your hair but why not let pregnancy be a time for change it is a good as time as any. and its only a few inches that will grow back. hope you make the right decision
Cut my hair while pregnant?
nothing makes you regret it so go ahead i did it with my baby and i loved it!
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I cut my hair while pregnant and I did not regret it for a minute. It was so hot with the long hair as if the heat was not enough. Good Luck with the pregnancy..
Cut my hair while pregnant?
Yes, my aunt had a baby less than a year ago, and had longer hair and cut it off, and she is so bummed. I wouldn't make a drastic change while you are kinda hormonal and whatnot. Just wait it out unless you can't.
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I just recently cut about 6 inches off of my hair. From my lower back up to my shoulders. I live in FL and it has been so0o0o hot and I am about ready to pop. I didn't change my hairstyle just had it thinned and shortened and I love it. It makes me feel better!
As long as you have an open mind and don't go overboard the little change may make you feel like a new person again!!
Good luck to you!
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I havnt been pregnate, but I suggest that you should cut your hair, since where you live is very hot, but remember, its going to be cold in 4 months. Try a hair cut maybe a inch or two above your shoulders, so by the time your baby comes it will be a little below the shoulder.
Cut my hair while pregnant?
Well maybe just cut it a little bit. Don't chop it all off but maybe take off an inch or a few more and tye the rest back
Cut my hair while pregnant?
my advice is just don't make any sudden decisions. think about what you want to do with your hair for a couple of days. that way, with your hormones fluctuating your moods, you will have considered your new haircut during lots of different moods. if you like the idea every time you think about it, then I'd say it's safe. your hair does grow faster during pregnancy anyway.
Cut my hair while pregnant?
For some reason, women often get the urge to cut their hair while they are pregnant, myself included. Part of the reason that they regret it is that having shorter hair has a tendency to make you look heavier and emphasize your "pregnantness".
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I don't know what the difference is between cutting it pregnant or not pregnant unless you go for a dramatic change. Actually your hair can sometimes grow faster when you are pregnant because your body is taking in more vitamins and minerals and your hair is healthier. Your hair is often thicker during pregnancy so I would not get it thinned out but just cutting a few inches off shouldn't make a big difference after you have the baby and some of the hair falls back out.
Cut my hair while pregnant?
My first thought is DON'T DO IT! I made the silly mistake of cutting my long beautiful hair while I was pregnant because I got tired of the maintenance and I felt like I was burning up all the time. I'd never had short hair before, so I suppose that was another reason why I wasn't comfortable with my new locks even though it was only cut to my shoulders. But in my pregnancy pictures now looking back on them I'm always like why did I do that I would have been so much prettier if I just had my long hair! And then afterwards it seemed to take FOREVER for my hair to grow back out and fix the way I wanted it. Now I'm pregnant for the second time and I will not be making that mistake again!
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I'm cutting my hair for the same reason you are. I'm tired of just wearing it in a pony tail all the time and It's just way too long and Thick to do anything with it. So I'm chopping maybe 4 or 5 inces off then maybe for once I'll beable to curl my own hair and wear it a little past shoulder length. I hope I like it but frankly I don't care. as long as some of comes off at least my pony tail will be shorter, try living in texas and being pregnant it sucks especially when you get those random hot flashes. LAME. I'd Do it. worst case is you don't like it. 3 or 4 inches shouldn't take too long to grow back as long as you trim your hair every now and then, trimming your hair will make it grow faster. Good luck on making your decision.
Cut my hair while pregnant?
DON'T DO IT!!!! Just wait till you have the baby. Your hormones are all out of whack and you will regret it. But just a trim won't hurt. Good luck!!
Cut my hair while pregnant?
Its all about the hormones.
You want to cut your hair now because its getting in your way or whatever - and then after the hormone rush after delivery - and all the other stresses come from a new baby - having cut your hair is just one more thing to freak out about! thats all! So if you arent one that freaks out over things... then cut away and be happy!!
To me, pulling hair back into a pony tail is not a 'style' its being lazy.
I had below the shoulder length hair all through my pregnancy - but within 2 months after I had my baby, I chopped it all off into a short super layered style that I can wear messy - and it will look like I spent alot of time styling it! Im really loving not having to spend alot of time on my hair.
And - hair extensions are everywhere - either the clip ons or the salon ones... so if you end up freaking out over it later - you can always get extensions.
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I am 7 months and I just cut my long hair to shoulder length, my husbands only request was that I keep it long enough to put in a pony tail because he thinks it is really cute. I cut out a few pictures of girls hair I liked out of celebrity magazines, like Jenny Mccarthy's hair and Nicle richie and showed them to my regular stylist, he did a good job and i think it looks good and is soo much easier to deal with.
Cut my hair while pregnant?
I cut all my hair off once every 2 yrs. (I donate it) I can see why some pregnant women say they regret it. I find that when I cut my hair short (about chin level or shorter), it makes my face look more round. Therefore I think I look a bit heavier. I can see when you are already heavy and probably sensitive about it how you would regret it. To be honest, if you aren't thinking of that short I say go for it. Anything to be more comfortable. Luckily my 2 yr cycle fell 2 weeks before we found out I was pregnant so it will be shoulder length again before I get real big. But down here in TX it sure is nice to have the air on my neck.
Cut my hair while pregnant?
Cut it.
It always grows back.
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